I suppose it's time to come clean. I am an artist, first and foremost. It's hard to hide that. I am perfectly okay mentally: I have a unique artistic style and method of expression; I happen to be very capable as a designer for my specific use-case-scenario; I can code. My site has been described by trusted associates as "schizophrenic." I would like to affirm to my audience that I am very much sane! Hooray!
I do indeed have a visual presentation which could be described as "frightening." I'm not a very frightening person at all, and I don't think my work is either. There is a decided philosophy to every part of this site, and I'll try to keep this blog updated with information on all of these parts. I hope you find it interesting. In any case, thanks for getting this far. That matters. I don't collect any viewership data on this site at all, so please tell me what you think!