


I suppose it's time to come clean. I am an artist, first and foremost. It's hard to hide that. I am perfectly okay mentally: I have a unique artistic style and method of expression; I happen to be very capable as a designer for my specific use-case-scenario; I can code. My site has been described by trusted associates as "schizophrenic." I would like to affirm to my audience that I am very much sane! Hooray!

I do indeed have a visual presentation which could be described as "frightening." I'm not a very frightening person at all, and I don't think my work is either. There is a decided philosophy to every part of this site, and I'll try to keep this blog updated with information on all of these parts. I hope you find it interesting. In any case, thanks for getting this far. That matters. I don't collect any viewership data on this site at all, so please tell me what you think!



There has been a lot of thought put towards this most central of concepts. Yes, the reader, you, reading these words, right now, is the main character. You.

How does this work? You found this site. How doesn't matter, you found it. You're obviously invested in the content, because you're all the way in here now. But think about this: there is a sense of mystery about this site. The design is unusual. The common font is unusual. It feels like it's been coded by hand by a madman. (It was.) Suddenly... the site has been found by... you.

Like an explorer, you've uncovered this mysterious, dark corner of the internet. This madman speaks not to the void... but in some strange way, to no one but *you.* You interact with this static website, page by page, and it continues, in an oddly personal way, to speak directly to... *you.*

The main character here is NOT me. I am the antagonist, undefeatable. Like a mountain, I cannot be defeated: I stand tall. And yet, like a mountain, I can be conquored. READ ON.



Interesting, that my short stories do not have plot, flow, point a and point b... And it must be so frustrating! I know very well how to do these things, I've studied the archetypal story as much as I care to--which is a good deal. I've also read an ungodly amount of creative fiction: at this point in my life I wouldn't shy away from saying that I've spent almost as much time reading as waiting. So why the simplicity? Why this foolish stuntedness? Several reasons.

One of my favorite reasons to refer to when explaining this to my associates is my facination with the descent of Picasso. He had every ablity to create the most stunning realism in his static, flat art, but, for all his madness and evil, he saw past reality and *fell,* in a way that I like to think of in similar ways to decay. He had, in my simple understanding of the man, every ability... *every* ability! to create any kind of static art he pleased. However: he had this due to his life being wasted away in the study of static frames, these frames to never change again, never to breathe and leap and prance as stories do... Picasso is perhaps a poor example of what I mean.

So, you say, you think that, like Picasso, you have spent your life training your mind to know the art of story inside and out, and so, like picasso, you, you entitled creature, think that you can simply be lazy? I wouldn't blame you for thinking these things; I never correct people, so for all intents and purposes, It's entirely my own fault. No. I am not entitled, nor am I lazy when it comes to art.

T.B.C. (4AM)



I sometimes think that I spend more time thinking about art than creating it. I have opinions about art, and many of them are largely unpopular, at least among my peers. Some of my peers think that art should be created for the pleasure of the artist, and that everything else that comes after is secondary.

Let's focus on one of my beliefs for now. I believe that art is more complex than escapism, even if that is one of it's core functions. If change is what seperates us from the rocks, it is art that is how we differ from cows and slugs. I could become theological here, but suffice it to say that we are the only creatures which teach by telling stories. Stories are the most human thing which exists. No primates other than you and me ponder the gods.

Stories have deep-rooted power over us. They can convince an individual to change their life forever just as easily as books with a large audience can make millions act in unison. As a singularly talented storyteller with an audience, one has godlike power.

I do not want power over the masses. I do not want to orient millions in the same direction, as most authors do. For just a brief moment, I want power over you.