Saturday, June 3, 2023, 8:12 AM

Written in full spontanious freewrite, exploring new and unique themes

This story's theme is euphoric reality.

>>> return to portal

I smelled like a million different things. I felt like a thousand arrows streaking across a red sky, trailing fire and a million colors; to the point that I could feel the air sliced through by each point of my multitudinous body. I felt the godlike beauty of death shine unrealistically through my skin, the one god that we can feel the love of, and at once complete immunity from it's grasping hands. I was Angel, fallen and arisen, rising and falling as one, and I smelled a million different things…

I woke from my dream in the driver's seat. The sun glistening on the mirror finish dash and HOTAS told me that I was there, and the birdsong alarm told me that we were ahead of schedule. I felt sick. My head was splitting. The clouds floating in the infinite blue sky of humanity's modified outer space glowed evenly around the planet's surface. Earth was dead, but humanity was ascended.

Sky is now everything. The entirety of the black void of space has been filled with blue sky. The glass windows roll down and the convertible soft-top slips away as I rustle my hair in the breeze as I overlook the terraformed surface of the planet, millions of miles below me, a disc sweeping out massively in all directions, waterfalls sliding off the edge to the other side, green and yellow and orange and blue flora terra and oceana, a perfect regionless expanse of magnificent land. I click out my key, stand on my seat and stretch out my arms. My hair is blasted back like a sail by the sunlight and the wind, and I feel my body be gently blown backwards; the land sweeps away below me, the sky blows down before me, and I flow into a million mile freefall to the surface. Air is my master, yet gravity is my slave.

In mach 1, I fold forward, my chest pushed forward, holding my legs close to my head like a bullet… I effortlessly spread my legs to each side, slowly spread both arms out, pajamas flapping madly in the wind, and push my head forward; as I feel gravity slowly cup me and begin to push the surface of my body toward the surface of the planet, I push my head forwards against the mind-alteringly fast wind slicing against my skin, embracing gravity's arms, as I comet downward to the surface of the centermost ocean, crying, screaming, falling, flying.

This story is a prequel for an unfinished project. Don't hold your breath. :)