
by tes

This story was written carefully, and with a plan. There are many, many layers of abstraction here. I reccomend reading this story many times in order to fully parse what is going on.


Black drapes hung from his hips like a dance. The sound from the metal and wood color-poetry tools used by the men behind the man shook the room, and the man's mouth-poetry, in color, resonated against the people who in circle boards met. Sensory units on the heads of each guest followed his every poetic movement, in form and in poetry, as though tied by strings; but my own sensors were focused somewhere else.

She was asleep, it seemed. Her bare arm outstretched over the table, limp hand caressing a glass of wine. Her loose red satin dress was dead, draped about her. I stood. Nobody noticed. I raised my own body covering over my knees, and found the exit of the establishment.

Soon after, I was sitting with my knees up in a seated food store, eating an apple, ignoring the voices of everyone else.

"Hello," said a kind voice: the man's.

I pulled at the arm hoses of my costume, and looked up.

"You weren't at the meeting tonight. Is something wrong?"

I nodded out a negative response.

"I see." The Man sat down at the table. "Did you see Macen?"


"How was she?"

"Ultimately incapable of typical function, unable to stay awake," I described quickly.

"She likes you, you know." It was his watch I stared at. "She thinks you're very clever."

"I am not clever." I put down the apple. "I am efficient."

"Are you love-capable?"

"I am."

He laughed under his breath, inefficient, yet it made his point clearer emotionally. "Then maybe you should try using that software."

I looked up to his face. The error was that I didn't know if love was a tangible energy source to power happiness. If it wasn't usable as such, then how could I produce it? Just because a computer has software installed does not mean that it will be utilized. Or that it can be utilized without being inefficient.

"Would you like me to drive you back to your show and Macen?" He asked, smiling.


this is a bonus-track. Click the link to gain access to the secret-stories

if you have read this story, feel special. :)

This story deals with the themes and concepts of volumeone, and serves as a secret final feather.