#[invitations] ##[Here you will find the full list of formal invitations. If you don't see yourself here, you are welcome to visit therealtoebeans.com to investigate. The secret invitations are of course not mentioned here, and are mentioned elsewhere.] *** [edith],[lex] *thank you.* ["Mint"] It's extremely rare for me to meet someone else who was raised by visions instead of only vision. You're the principle reason for my making this site; I was inspired by your output very much. Thanks for that. ["Kz8Cheese"] You're one of the only people who've shown me that dreams are like puffs of magic smoke: You, K, don't *need* dreams; you live your life in daylight, and draw from other sources to fuel your own sun. I think about that sometimes. I not only *need* dreams, but am *composed* of them, to the point that I in turn *compose them.* Few people hear this from me to them, but know: I will always be the moon for when you need me. ["OneShortStack"] I don't think I've ever admitted it, but you're a major catalyst of mine. Thank you for showing me my limits; it helped me destroy them. Stay close. ["Farantha"],["Xyrkzes"] We come from good stock. We've known eachother since we've all been born, fairly; and I appreciate your comradeship. I hope to have you both as friends for a very long time. Good luck! [Raiden] You're mysterious! I don't know you extremely well, but I count you as one of my most trusted friends. You've changed me a bit. I'm grateful. In tangent, you scare me too. I count that trait very highly. My only polite request is for you to keep going. In conclusion, I'm here. [Julian] The lore goes on... also hello, and your blue top hat is great. Did I ever mention the time I went to a convention in a mall with two goofy goobers... oh yes of course I did. Have fun, and stay safe. ["Doc"] you've been special for a long time and you know me inside out. I had more than one paragraph written, but confine it to this: I fear you, I hear you, I trust you, I love you. Stay close, and I will read for you when you want it, and yes, I promise will try to confine it to that. ["adlouw"] You're really quite inspiring. I remember being a lot like you at your age, even if you were so much younger. Stay special, and greatness of SOME kind is guranteed. , ["Munch"/"Cozy"] Know that there are aspects to you that scare me far more than any amount of trying can attempt. To both of you, they'll never catch you as you shoot through the sky if you fall just right; and you're falling better than anyone I know, even me. I know you're grateful for that. Stay strong. ["Ghostbyt"] you are immense and powerful and seemingly limitless (and even successfully so); you suffer from the same disease as I: ego. You bask in it well, which is well; but I urge you to learn that when you turn its rays the opposite direction some day, subtlty is the most most powerful of all methods of focusing greatness. Thank you for caring. ["Naterrr"] ".CHERISH.THESE.MOMENTS." ["mj"] pixels cannot kill you.../yet you are not immortal/do not test the world/...and the world can. ["Aris"] Don't follow the stars. Follow yours. ['E"} i r.esent things, bu t thxnks fore all the food [Rowan] You are an immense person, stgiga. I respect your capabilities. I don't quite know what to say. Enjoy my work. [Marisa] Interesting that we've kept such constant but distant contact over the years. Glad to know you, even as little as I really do. But I've invited you here, so I suppose you'll know me a little as well. :) ["Ri"] Hello. Thanks for sitting next to me all that time. You're very nice. I admit, even if I do play music, stories are my main form of art. Feel free to ask me about all this in our chats. [Hal] lol, enjoy the stories. If you have any questions about how they can be interpreted, just message me and I'll explain. Definitely keep going with the guitar! [Mia] Cheers. [Angelina] I write stories too! I hope you like them. I write a lot, just like Jesse. My stuff is kinda similar to some of their stuff, actually... If you want me to explain anything, just let me know. :)) [Samuels] I understand you enjoy light reading in-between your studies; I'm afraid that my work is not entirely light. I provide a very selective few invitations to those who consider themselves privy to your line of work, strangely enough. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this. Feel free to reach out to me if you're confused.