#[INSTRUCTIONS] #_[this is the book of instructions for the website "tescreates.art." Please keep them to yourself, this is a private gallery.] ##[1] - click the links. - They will take you to the surface level places, and most of the art itself. - if confused, ask directly. - if you possess an invitation and are found on "secret club," you will be met with full explanations for and access to everything to do with the site, down to requests for edits to the code and even content itself. - nothing is off-limits. ##[2] - This site is my form of publishing. Every aspect of publication has been considered here. ###[virtual access] - You can visit the site whenever you wish on any platform, and experience the site with no friction whatever. - The site was designed to be extremely lightweight. Any platform, from any era capable of web browsing, will be able to access this site at extremely efficient speeds. There is no bloat in the code. None. x Drawback: if the site changes, there is no history. Changes are permanent and irrivocable. ###[digital copies] - On most platforms, users are able to download the HTML file of any webpage on the internet. My webpages are designed to be self-contained, making downloaded copies of them essentially perfect copies, as intended. - This means that you can download my stories and keep them on your own computer. You have every ability to do this; the copyright still stands. ###[print copies] - In the same way, you have every ability to simply print my webpages. I haven't tested this extensively, but you can export my content to any media format you wish; the copyright still stands. ##[3] _ any form of misuse of any content on this website will be punished legally, under absolutely all circumstances, and to high, cruel and unusual extent. -tes (c) Thor Smith, 2023