This is the first of the articles on my site. These will explain my art philosophy.

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Voice is an extremely powerful thing. It takes a special kind of author to be able to do what the best authors are capable of: taking a human figure: their outlook, their personality, emotions, opinions, all of their life experiences and second hand knowledge; then squeeze every last drop of essence from that figure; and then mash it through a filter of words, sentences, paragraphs, of abstract shapes on a blank page. I still learn how to do this, and how to express art in my own unique way. No artist ever is allowed to stop this process of thrashing painfully, metamorphosing And forming, and developing Into something purer and more powerful.

This process of observing a subject, then stripping away all but essence, then pressing through the medium's filter into a new and unique thing is perhaps one of the most developed things that humans can do. A painter goes through the same process of observing, interpreting, and finally recreating. A musician goes through the same process of experiencing, writing, and performing. Even the casual barista creates his unique brew by grinding The Beans, Infusing it into hot, bitter liquid, and Savoring the final result.

Film may indeed be more electrifying, music may be far more digestible, but according to the author of these stories, writing is the most pure and refined form of art. Sketching and photography are digestible and immediate, but they are static, making them at once only capable of expressing the artists final message through A slim instant of time. Film is exciting and perhaps even could be considered the perfect form of art, yet it takes significant amounts of the Humanity's most precious resources, time and money, to produce even a few short minutes of potentially mediocre film. Writing, in the form of poetry, novella, novel, or refined, efficient short story, is not only fluid, dynamic, expressive, and infinitely expansive, but requires no resources at all to be put into the hands of an infinite amount of people, and for the talented, an hour of time from nothingness to published work. In the author's opinion, respectfully to all other forms of artists, words are still the most pure form of art.

Visual mediums may excite the primal urges of any creature, but it panders to even the dumbest of beasts, from a deep sea fish to a cockroach. Music may be the most deeply human form of artistic expression, but if you were to sing crime and punishment, or even something so simple as the author's own Seams, you would be limited to the simplicities required of an appreciable form of music, and your listeners would be disappointed by the length of your work, particularly modern audiences who demand a memorable hook and a pleasurable verse, with not much else welcome on a stage. And coffee is merely a bitter liquid which tricks the body into wakefulness: a tool, nothing more. It is truly the skilled act of putting emotion, humanity, concept, and endless creativity through the filter of letters, words, sentences and paragraphs that is the purest form of elevated, evolved art.

Crucify me for being wrong in your eyes, or elevate me for being correct; it does not matter. Only read on.

Hi, Tori, come back when you've read and are ready for analysis. :)